Sunday, November 3, 2013

In Loving Memory of Amity Chen Mengxu

Amity Chen Mengxu
On November 3, 2013, we say goodbye to a little orphan girl named Amity Chen Mengxu.  After 10 days in the hospital, she suffered an acute oxygen drop and her weak heart was not able to handle the loss. We are greatly saddened to lose such a beautiful life.  Please take a moment to mourn Amity Chen Mengxu.  Please keep in your hearts the nannies who loved and cared for her, as well as the staff and guests who were all taken by this precious little girl.

Amity Chen Mengxu was one of the hundred orphans in the care of the Shepherd’s Field Children’s Village, just outside of Langfang city.  They are a nonprofit organization that specializes in at-risk and special needs children.  I’ve been there several times to visit and play with these precious boys and girls.  Both my good friends Gideon and Joshua selflessly worked there as teachers.  Gideon worked there last year and Joshua just started working there this past summer.  Please keep the good work done at Shepherd’s Field Children’s Village in your hearts.

Please visit their website for more information:

You can also like their facebook page:

Gideon playing with the children.

Joshua playing with the children.

The children playing with me.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful treasure to be able to visit these precious little children for you and others. Little Amity Chen Mengxu looks like such a sweet little girl. That is very sad that she passed away. Way too young!
